Features of Soy Protein Isolate

The term protein originally came from the Greek word proteios, that is, the English name protein. The translator translated the common egg white containing this kind of substance in order to make it easier for people to understand. In fact, the meaning of this translation is All are lost. Because the original meaning of this Greek word is “the most important”, and this original meaning captures the essential meaning, because human beings need various nutrients, none of which can be dispensed with, but among the nutrients needed, there are priorities. However, since there must be protein in all life, and it is inextricably linked with various nutrients, it is of course appropriate to regard it as the first substance.

There are many kinds of proteins in human food, and the main difference between different kinds of proteins lies in their structures; the fundamental difference of different types of proteins lies in the content, types and respective proportions of various amino acids. The proteins in various animals and plants in the world vary greatly, this is because the amino acids required by various organisms are different.

As human food, what kind of protein is the best? The answer is simple. The composition and needs of various amino acids required by the human body are indicators of the quality of protein. The human body needs 22 kinds of amino acids, but not all 22 kinds have the same amount. In fact, there are thousands of types of cells in the human body, and the amino acids required by various cells are different. An overall calculation is a general ledger. From the general ledger, we know the total amount of human body’s needs for various amino acids, and we can set a model, that is, there is a relationship between various amino acids in a size ratio. The protein in human food is digested and decomposed into amino acids. , if the proportions of various amino acids are in line with the needs of the human body, that is the scientific basis for evaluating the quality of protein.

Both the quantity and quality of protein are important. In daily life, people can obtain them from cereals, meat, eggs, etc. Food should be varied and balanced, but eating meat can also bring in animal fat and cholesterol while supplementing protein, so it is advisable to eat appropriately. The soy protein isolate, which has been processed by modern processes such as degreasing, water extraction, washing, and drying, does not contain cholesterol, lactose, and almost no fat. Its amino acid composition meets the needs of the human body, and its digestibility is greatly improved. Harmful pollutants to the human body, so it is a good and effective protein supplement, which has important health effects on the human body such as immune regulation, fatigue resistance, cardiovascular health maintenance, and female physiological function adjustment.

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Soy Protein Isolate: Plant-Based Complete Protein
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Application and method of soybean protein isolate in meat products