Protein: The Material Basis of Life

The most important nutrient for the human body is protein. Protein is equivalent to the “building material” of the human body. All proteins are made up of amino acids.

Protein is the material basis of life, without protein there would be no life. Therefore, it is a substance closely associated with life and with all forms of life activity.

1. Decreased immunity
Because protein is involved in the production of antibodies and red blood cells, the lack of protein to produce antibodies and red blood cells is insufficient, resulting in decreased immunity. Once the immunity is weakened, the human body will be prone to colds, inflammations and other symptoms due to bacterial infection.

2. The aging speed is accelerated
Because protein has the ability to construct tissue and repair tissue, the lack of protein tissue cannot grow and repair normally, which will accelerate the progress of aging. In the process of aging, muscles atrophy and the skin loses its luster and elasticity.

3. Insufficient energy
Because protein has a continuous energy source for the human body, the lack of protein energy conversion speed is too fast and the subsequent energy cannot be supplied, resulting in insufficient energy. Due to lack of energy, people are easily nervous, timid, and have low self-esteem and negative thoughts.

4. The wound is not easy to recover
Because protein has the function of repairing tissue, once the tissue lacking protein is damaged, the wound will not be repaired, and the wound will not be easy to recover, thus leaving scars.

5. Osteoporosis
Lack of protein connective tissue connection is not tight enough, thus affecting the deposition and absorption of calcium. Calcium cannot be absorbed normally, which is an important cause of osteoporosis. Consequences of performance can be back pain, loss of height, weakening of bones, and susceptibility to fractures.

6. Loss of elasticity of blood vessels
Without protein, insufficient collagen is formed, and blood vessels lose their elasticity. Blood vessels lose elasticity and blood pressure rises, resulting in high blood pressure. Blood vessels are not elastic, blood pressure rises, and it is easy to cause rupture and stroke.

7. Constipation
Lack of protein The gut wall becomes thin and inelastic; not enough peristalsis. So that the digested products can not be eliminated normally, and cause constipation.

8. Insanity
Because proteins are involved in the nerve conduction of information exchange between the brain and the biochemical mechanism of the human body, the lack of protein in the brain’s nerve conduction is blocked, and the brain sends out wrong information, which leads to mental disorders.

9. The skin is prone to wrinkling
Because proteins make up the collagen tissue of the skin, healthy skin collagen tissue is tightly connected. Therefore, lack of protein, the skin loses health, and it is easy to form wrinkles.

10. Insufficient stomach acid
Because protein is involved in the action of enzymes, lack of protein, pepsin cannot be secreted in sufficient amount, resulting in insufficient secretion of gastric acid. Insufficient stomach acid, indigestion, and poor absorption can cause gastrointestinal problems.

11. Endocrine disorders
Because proteins are involved in the construction of enzymes, which are secretions of various glands. So lack of protein, insufficient secretion of enzymes, resulting in endocrine disorders.

12. Infertility
Because protein constitutes the number and motility of sperm. So the lack of protein to form the number of sperm is insufficient, and the vitality is reduced. It cannot combine with the egg normally, resulting in infertility.

13. Physical decline
Because protein provides continuous energy, it can convert sufficient stamina and energy. Therefore, the lack of protein energy conversion is insufficient, and the physical strength will naturally decline.

14. Easy to get tired
Due to lack of energy, people are prone to fatigue

15. Decreased intelligence
Because protein is the production of new tissues in the body, it has the function of promoting the growth of the body. Therefore, lack of protein, underdevelopment of the brain, impaired thinking, resulting in decreased intelligence.

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