Soy Protein Isolate: Complete Plant Protein

Soy protein isolate is a complete protein food additive produced from low-temperature desolventized soybean meal. The protein content of soy protein isolate is over 90%, and there are nearly 20 kinds of amino acids, including essential amino acids for the human body. It is a complete plant protein, rich in nutrition, and cholesterol-free. It is known as “green dairy cow” and “plant meat”.

Soy protein is equivalent to animal protein in nutritional value, and is closest to human amino acids in genetic structure. It is one of the few varieties of plant protein that can replace animal protein. It has the characteristics of high protein, low fat, calcium increase, and cholesterol reduction.

The difference between protein isolate and protein concentrate

The process of protein isolate is relatively complicated, and almost most of the insoluble protein is removed, so the protein content is relatively high, generally more than 90%.

The process of protein concentrate is relatively simple, and only the insoluble protein is removed, and some of the fiber is not removed, and the protein content is generally 65%.

Study on the nutritional value of soy protein isolate

High protein, low fat

Soy protein isolate is a high-protein, low-fat, high-nutrition supplement.

Whether for vegetarians or ordinary people, soy protein isolate powder is a perfect high-quality protein supplement.

Low fat For dieters who need a low-calorie diet, replacing part of the protein in the diet with soy protein not only reduces the intake of cholesterol and saturated fat, but also achieves a balance of nutritional intake.

High protein, low fat

Soy protein isolate is a high-protein, low-fat, high-nutrition supplement.

Whether for vegetarians or ordinary people, soy protein isolate powder is a perfect high-quality protein supplement.

Low fat For dieters who need a low-calorie diet, replacing part of the protein in the diet with soy protein not only reduces the intake of cholesterol and saturated fat, but also achieves a balance of nutritional intake.

Soy protein and bone health

Soy protein can prevent urinary calcium loss, promote bone health, and reduce the risk of osteoporosis. Compared with Western women, Asian women have lower rates of osteoporosis, despite lower calcium intake and less use of estrogen replacement therapy or hormone replacement therapy after menopause. This seemingly contradictory issue has led researchers to study the possibility of soy consumption to reduce osteoporosis. Most studies focus on two possible mechanisms: the effect of soy protein on calcium secretion and excretion from the body and the beneficial activity of soy isoflavones on bone.

Soy protein and cardiovascular health

Studies have found that soy protein isolate and its hydrolysate have shown dietary effects on lowering cholesterol and lipids in both diet-induced and genetically obese mice. At the same time, soy protein and casein can significantly reduce body fat and serum insulin levels in mice. Soy protein affects the conversion of thyroxine to triiodothyronine and inhibits the gene expression of hepatic lipase in obese Wistar mice. These findings indicate that soy protein isolate and its hydrolysate change hormone balance and in turn accelerate lipid metabolism. Studies have shown that after consuming soy protein, LDL cholesterol in people with normal cholesterol levels is only reduced by 7.7%, while in people with hypercholesterolemia, LDL cholesterol levels are reduced by 24%. Soy protein was also associated with a small but statistically significant increase in HDL cholesterol, thus providing some protection against cardiovascular disease.

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