Protein and Health

Most of our body is made up of protein, skin, muscles, internal organs, hair, nails, brain and even bones, etc. Only when the protein is sufficient can the body’s normal metabolism be maintained. Since muscle has the highest protein content in human tissue. Therefore, it is easy for us to judge whether we are getting enough protein.

If your body is tall and strong, it is naturally healthy. If you’re in your teens, but your muscles aren’t elastic and your posture is poor, that’s something to be aware of. In fact, all the protein needed by the human body should be taken from food. A mother who requires her child to stand and sit is to admit that she is negligent about food. A person who consumes enough protein and is in good health, Posture is always better. Of course, the role of protein is not only the above When we get enough protein in our diet, we can increase our resistance. The human body has various functions to resist diseases, among which antibodies and white blood cells are closely related to the uptake of proteins. Under normal conditions, the liver makes antibodies and globulins that engulf a variety of bacteria, bacterial toxins and viruses to render them harmless.

In recent years, the medical community has begun to extract immune globulin from the plasma of healthy people and inject it into malnourished people. This form of treatment has been used for cold prevention. When nutrients are sufficient, the body can make the antibodies it needs on its own. Studies have shown that if you improve your diet and take in rich protein, the number of antibodies produced by the human body can increase significantly within a week.

Another self-protection function of the human body is the production of white blood cells that engulf bacteria. White blood cells flow in the blood and lymph, and some are fixed in the walls of blood vessels, alveoli or other tissues of the human body, and play a protective function. When bacteria invade the body, white blood cells automatically surround the bacteria, engulfing and digesting them. This antibody is made up of protein, and abundant protein is obtained from food.

Adequate protein contributes to the normal functioning of dry digestion. Because the enzymes that break down food are also composed of proteins, they can break down food into tiny particles, dissolve them in dry water, and then enter the bloodstream. When the protein in the diet is sufficient, the digestive organs can continuously secrete enough enzymes. In addition to the normal peristalsis of the digestive organs, the food is mixed with the digestive juice and enzymes. After the food is decomposed, the nutrients are absorbed by the digestive organs and then enter the liquid. Protein neutralizes acidic or alkaline substances, it is also the building block of most hormones, and it helps dry blood from clotting.

If you lack protein for a long time, the body will accumulate water. Some people who are already deficient in protein tend to form a vicious circle when they diet to lose weight. In the evening, the feet are particularly swollen, and in the morning, the face and hands are obviously swollen, and the eyes and face are also slack.

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