How vegetarians consume protein

There are generally two types of vegetarians: lacto-ovo and vegan. Vegetarians who eat lactostin can get rich protein from milk and eggs, and they do not have to worry about insufficient protein intake; vegetarians who eat vegan, although the protein source is more restricted, can also get from soy (soybeans). ), peas, red beans, pinto beans and other legumes, eat enough protein. In addition, almonds, cashews, peanuts and other nuts are also good sources of protein. The average protein content is more than 14%, which is about the same as the protein ratio of meat.

If you are worried that you don’t have too many opportunities to eat beans and nut products, soy protein powder and yellow pea powder are good protein supplements. Don’t forget, the average adult needs 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. If you want to build muscles, you need more protein. It is very important to control your daily protein intake and confirm whether it is sufficient.

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