Pea Protein vs. Whey Protein: Which Is Better?

Protein powders are one of the most popular supplements.

Manufacturers make protein powder from many different animal and plant sources.

Whey protein is one of the most popular types. It’s protein isolated from cow’s milk, so it’s animal-based.

However, pea protein and other plant-based protein powders are steadily gaining popularity.

This article compares pea and whey protein powders and provides some suggestions for determining which one may be best for you.

Pea and whey protein compared

Manufacturers make protein powder by extracting protein from whole foods and then concentrating and preparing it into a powdered form.

Depending on the specific type of supplement, manufacturers use a variety of techniques to isolate the desired protein. These may include adding enzymes and acid, and using additional filtering processes.

The source of the proteins used for pea and whey protein powders is one of the biggest differences between the two.

Whey protein is isolated from whey, a milky by-product left over during the cheesemaking process. Because it comes from milk, most whey protein powder contains the milk sugar lactose.

Pea protein is plant-based and lactose-free. It’s isolated from legumes — yellow split peas, in particular.

The following are a few more notable differences between pea and whey protein powders.


While many types of whey protein contain allergens like lactose and gluten, most types of pea protein are free from all of the most common allergens.

This might make pea and other plant-based protein powders a desirable choice for people with food allergies or those following a dairy or gluten-free diet.

People with allergies or intolerances to gluten and dairy may find that pea protein powder is easier to digest. They may feel less gassy or bloated when they use it instead of whey protein.


Pea and whey protein powders are not completely different from each other. They share some similarities.

For starters, they’re both great sources of protein.

Neither one has much of a remarkable taste or texture, yet they’re both incredibly versatile and easy to mix with other food and drinks.

People often consume them by simply mixing the powder into a shake using a liquid like water or milk.

You can also add them to smoothies, oatmeal, muffins, pancakes, and many more foods and drinks.


Whey protein comes from milk and is a by-product of cheesemaking, while pea protein comes from ground yellow split peas. Both are great sources of protein that you can easily add to various foods and beverages.

Pea and whey protein powders are both rich sources of protein, though whey powder does tend to have a slightly higher amount.

They’re also both relatively low in carbs, fat, fiber, and sugar.

Because it’s made from milk, whey protein has more calcium and potassium. On the other hand, pea protein has more iron. Legumes, including peas, are a great source of the nutrient.

Furthermore, studies have found that some of the components of both peas and whey may have beneficial properties. These plant compounds may have a variety of health benefits, such as acting as antioxidants and fighting disease (3Trusted Source, 4Trusted Source, 5Trusted Source, 6Trusted Source).

Exactly how many compounds remain present in processed protein powders and how they influence human health remain unclear.

Protein content

Peas and whey contain similar amounts of protein. They’re both great sources of it. However, whey protein powder does tend to contain a few more grams of protein per serving than pea powder (7Trusted Source).

That said, the exact protein content varies between brands and depends on the scoop or serving size the brand suggests.

This information is listed on each supplement’s nutrition facts label.

Although pea and whey are both rich in protein, the types of protein they contain can differ.

In general, animal sources of protein, like whey, are easier for the body to absorb and use in muscle-building activities (8Trusted Source).

How well and how quickly the body digests and uses protein has a lot to do with the specific amino acids it contains.

Amino acids

Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. Nine of the amino acids that the body needs are called essential. This means the body cannot produce them on its own, and instead you must consume them in your diet.

Whey protein powder is considered a complete protein because it contains all nine essential amino acids. It contains especially high amounts of the essential branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) leucine, isoleucine, and valine (7Trusted Source, 8Trusted Source).

In terms of essential amino acid content, whey is one of the best protein sources.

Pea protein also contains all of the essential amino acids. However, it only has very small amounts of methionine, one of the essential nine (7Trusted Source, 8Trusted Source).

Thus, some pea protein powders may not meet the definition of a complete protein.

Still, when compared with other plant-based sources of protein, pea protein is a good source of essential amino acids. In fact, it even contains more of certain essential amino acids, like histidine and phenylalanine, than whey protein does per serving (7Trusted Source, 8Trusted Source, 9Trusted Source).

If you’re worried about not getting all of the essential amino acids you need from pea protein, one option is to mix pea protein powder with other types of plant-based proteins that also contain the essential nine.

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