Peas have these functions you don’t know about~

Peas, also known as green beans, wheat peas, cold beans, wheat beans, etc., are a kind of beans that we often eat in our daily life. They not only have high nutritional value, but also are very beneficial to people’s health. Next, let’s take a look at what nutritional value peas have. How to eat the best for the human body?

Peas contain some nutrients that reduce blood pressure. For example, peas contain a lot of vitamin E, which can help the body supply carbon monoxide, and carbon monoxide has the effect of regulating blood pressure and stabilizing blood pressure. Vitamin E can also help the body absorb calcium, dilate arterial blood vessels, remove lipid peroxides on blood vessels, protect blood vessels, and thus play a role in lowering blood pressure. Peas also contain a lot of magnesium, especially for moderate hypertension and mild hypertension. Eating some peas properly can reduce blood pressure. Peas also contain a large amount of potassium, which has the effect of expelling sodium and can resist high blood pressure caused by high sodium, thereby reducing the dosage of antihypertensive drugs.

Eating peas often has the effect of preventing and treating some complications. Peas contain a lot of vitamin E and potassium, which can protect blood vessels, regulate lipid metabolism in the body, and prevent the occurrence of hyperlipidemia. Peas also contain a lot of magnesium, which can protect the heart and reduce the risk of stone disease.

When we eat peas, we also need to know some suitable or compatible food combinations. For example, the combination of peas and pork liver can play a role in reducing swelling, pain relief, and diuresis. The combination of peas and bamboo shoots can clear away heat and detoxify, remove blood stasis and lower lipids. The combination of peas and pig liver can play the role of diuresis, nourishing blood, clearing heat and detoxifying, and improving eyesight. But if peas are paired with bracken, it will destroy the vitamin B1 in them. The combination of peas and mutton will cause symptoms such as beriberi and jaundice.

The combination of peas and other foods can play a role in reducing blood pressure, such as fried peas with eggplant, roasted corn with peas, tofu pea porridge, dried orange peel pea and astragalus porridge, etc., all have certain health benefits.

Of course, when we choose peas, we must choose the best green peas. Put the peas in a fresh-keeping bag and store them in the refrigerator.

In short, the nutritional value of peas is very high, especially for hypertensive patients, it can help hypertensive patients reduce the dosage of antihypertensive drugs, and has a good conditioning effect, so hypertensive patients can eat some peas to stabilize their blood pressure. .

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