Advantages of plant-based foods

Rational use of plant-based foods can help improve one’s own nutrition and health. Traditionally and historically, most people follow an omnivorous diet. In regions/periods where productivity is backward and the economy is underdeveloped, people adopt an omnivorous diet. It is a choice of last resort. This omnivorous pattern is accompanied by problems such as insufficient energy intake and low protein intake, which lead to corresponding nutritional and health problems.

Therefore, everyone should first evaluate their own diet and health status to see where the main problems are, so as to use the research results of diet and nutritional health to improve and form their own reasonable diet.

Advantages of plant-based foods:


Those who need plant-based foods may need to supplement nutrients such as vitamin B12, vitamin D, and iron in an appropriate amount. In plant-based foods, because these nutrients and content are low or the absorption and utilization efficiency is not high, adding supplementary nutrients or choosing foods with fortified nutrients can help make up for the vegetarian diet. For these “short boards” of doctrine, appropriate selection of fermented foods is also an option. Foods are fermented by microorganisms to increase the content of nutrients such as B vitamins.


Egg cream, partial vegetarians or flexitarians have a lower risk of certain nutrient deficiencies than pure ones, but they need to regularly evaluate their nutritional health status, adjust their diet in time, or take dietary supplements.


Vegetarians should choose more foods fortified with nutrients. At present, strengthening food nutrition has become an effective means to solve people’s nutrient deficiencies. Calcium-fortified, iron-fortified, vitamin D-fortified and other fortified foods are very popular in the market. It is easy to see that a reasonable choice of nutritionally fortified foods in light of one’s own situation will help to benefit from a plant-based diet while avoiding other nutritional and health problems.


For people with an excessively high proportion of animal foods, replacing some animal foods with plant foods should eventually achieve a dietary pattern that is acceptable to them and can also obtain health benefits. For example, the source of protein is related to health effects. Studies have shown that plant Replacing animal protein in the diet with non-toxic protein brings many health benefits.

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