Some knowledge points about plant-based foods

A reasonable diet usually refers to a diet that combines specific conditions, with appropriate protein, fat, carbohydrate composition and energy supply ratio, and can provide sufficient nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. However, these aspects have been noticed, that is a reasonable diet? In fact, in addition to the above mentioned, a reasonable diet also includes many other aspects. Today, we’ll discuss the role of plant-based foods in a healthy diet.

Plant-based foods are the general term for plant-based foods in the diet. Meals based on plant-based foods are called plant-based meals. A vegetarian diet is a case of a plant-based diet, including a vegan diet that eats no animal foods at all and partially vegetarians (egg milk, fish, etc.). ) eat a small amount of animal food.

Mechanisms that plant-based foods are more beneficial to health than animal-based diets may include: An increase means a decrease in animal food.

Emphasizing the health benefits of plant-based foods does not encourage people to become vegetarians. At present, although there is a lot of evidence that vegetarianism is good for health, it has also been found that unreasonable vegetarianism can not only improve our health, but may also have adverse effects and damage our health. In short, vegetarianism is not just for eating. Vegetarianism is a high-tech way of eating.

Research on the health benefits of plant-based foods has largely come from data analysis in complex diets. Among people with complex diets, those with a high proportion of plant-based foods had better health indicators. Although many of the health benefits of a vegetarian diet have been observed in vegan intervention studies, results from short-term (weeks or months) vegetarian studies cannot explain whether the same effects persist in long-term vegetarian patterns. Therefore, it is a reasonable choice for most people to have a vegetarian diet as part of their diet. If you decide to change your eating habits and become a vegetarian, you need professional guidance. Then you also don’t need to change your eating habits to become a vegetarian for your health.

Proper use of plant-based foods can help improve your nutrition and health. Traditionally and historically, most humans are omnivores. In regions/periods with backward productivity and underdeveloped economy, people adopt an omnivorous dietary pattern as a last resort. This omnivorous eating pattern is often accompanied by insufficient energy intake, insufficient protein intake, and deficiencies of certain vitamins and minerals, leading to corresponding nutritional and health problems.

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