Plant-based hot hits – pea protein becomes the new favorite of functional raw materials

The popularity of plant-based materials has also brought a great sensation in the raw material industry. More and more plant-based raw materials are applied to food and beverages to meet the growing demand for nutrition and taste.

The biggest feature of plant-based is that plant protein replaces animal protein in food and beverages. Simply read from the text, it is closely related to the concept of natural, environmental protection and health, because compared with animal food, plant-based food is more environmentally friendly, healthy concept and animal care.

The popularity of green and environmentally friendly plant-based products can reduce the demand for feed to feed animals, reduce the area of ​​​​arable land, and reduce carbon emissions and water consumption.

animal care

The popularity of plant-based products can reduce the need for captive breeding and slaughter of animals, which is of great significance in protecting and caring for animals.

health care

Plant-based products have no cholesterol, are not burdensome to eat, and can also meet the human body’s demand for protein; suitable for people with lactose intolerance and digestive disorders. Because plant-based foods emphasize replacement of protein, soy, which is high in protein, is a good source of protein for plant-based foods/drinks. In the traditional consumption of plant protein, soy protein comes out on top. With the continuous development of new plant-based raw materials, the advantages of pea protein have gradually become prominent, and it has become the new favorite of plant-based raw materials. Pea protein is a protein extracted from peas and can be divided into two categories: pea protein isolate and pea protein concentrate. Pea protein contains all the amino acids necessary for the human body, and the protein has high nutritional value. Pea protein is hypoallergenic and has a balanced amino acid ratio. It is the preferred vegetable protein to replace animal protein.

Balanced amino acid ratio

Pea protein contains all 8 amino acids necessary for adults and one additional histidine for children. In terms of amino acid composition, the ratio of 9 essential amino acids is balanced, the content of branched-chain amino acids is rich, and the content of lysine, the first limiting amino acid in the human body, is also high, with high nutritional value, and the absorption rate can reach more than 98%.


The most common plant protein-soy protein contains a lot of phytoestrogens, which are easy to cause allergies, while pea protein is free of allergens, lactose, gluten and gluten, and is not genetically modified, cholesterol-free, and safer. high.

Environmentally friendly

The use of excessive nitrogen and chemical fertilizers in crop planting will have an important impact on the water environment. Peas can fix nitrogen by absorbing nitrogen from the air and converting it into fertilizers, reducing the amount of nitrogen needed on the farm, keeping the water environment clean, while reducing carbon emissions and being environmentally sustainable.

Has strong versatility

Pea protein is a neutral-tasting food that can be used in dairy substitutes such as cheese and yogurt; in addition, pea protein contains cardamom protein, which has similar properties to casein; and pea protein products can also be used as a source of whey protein. Substitutes that help reduce fat and build muscle. High nutritional value, high-quality product performance, high yield, low environmental requirements, sustainability and other characteristics help pea protein to be more and more widely used in the food and beverage industry.

According to market research firm Global Market Insights, the global pea protein market is expected to grow at an annual rate of 13.5% through 2023. According to data, in the past five years, the compound annual growth rate of the Asian plant protein market has reached 27%. In the next 5-10 years, as a more nutritious, healthy and sustainable meat protein substitute, the demand for plant-based food in the Chinese market will also show explosive growth.

LightPro® selects Radipure®, a pea protein designed and developed by strategic partner Cargill for the Asian market, and uses it in meal replacement shakes for energy-supplying applications. At the same time, it selects 3 kinds of high-quality fatty acids, 11 kinds of vitamins and 4 kinds of Minerals, a variety of high-quality dietary fibers, and specially added GanedenBC30 Bacillus coagulans, a super probiotic, on the basis of meeting balanced nutritional needs, provide a high satiety and a balanced intestinal environment, and improve intestinal peristalsis. , On the basis of ensuring nutritional intake, control calorie intake to help weight management and nutritional supplementation.

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The next generation of pea protein with higher protein content